Biography: Cotty Eslous Marine
The word is liberated, the pain is expressed. Through #mydoctorsaid, millions of women tell the story of medical erudition and difficult pain management. In response, my enterprise and my partners decided to help billions of women and girls in their daily lives. We targeted the problem of menses. Because today there are 3 774 991 488 women in the world, 1 893 750 607 women of childbearing, and more than 90% affected by Dysmenorrhea. We conducted a first study in January 2018 on 1200 women. Results: 86% of women have menstrual pain. 15% consume level 2 painkillers medication during menses and 30% of women over 35 years have never been to a gynecologist. In consequence, we have created the first digital solution with AI able to measure in 15-seconds the sensibility of pain. And realize a pre-diagnosis action to be carried out to support women's health throughout their lives. But how to reduce the feeling of pain? This digital therapeutic for women health reduces the feeling of pain on patient who suffer from endometriosis. We used neurostimulation to produce a natural painkiller in a patient brain. During this congress, we present the preliminary result of the Lucine DTX clinical trial.
In parallel, we are working with an association whose aim is to support students to create a virtual company. in exclusivity for this congress, we decided to share the first result of this experience. Lucine help young people between the ages of 12 and 25 build their DTX. This year, the important challenge is student in mixed team (boys and girls) to solve a big and difficult problem: "I have pain during my menses".